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Unregistered user 06-07-2014 09:23 PM

^ That's pretty funny right there.

hunter001 06-09-2014 09:25 PM

I think this would've happened no matter what, there will always be nut jobs out there

Okotokian 06-10-2014 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by greylynx (Post 2456540)
Name a group Oki.

You want me to name every gun control group? Do you think any member of the gun control lobby thinks that the current legislation we have is sufficient? What you smoking Grey? They all want much much more legislation and restrictions.

What I was pointing to similar to both an ice sculptor and a surfer thinking 10 degrees celsius day is bad one. Get my drift? LOL

Okotokian 06-10-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Ruger1022 (Post 2457283)
If you want an emotional response from me you will have to try harder than questioning my intelligents

He did that on purpose ;)

greylynx 06-10-2014 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 2459731)
You want me to name every gun control group? Do you think any member of the gun control lobby thinks that the current legislation we have is sufficient? What you smoking Grey? They all want much much more legislation and restrictions.

What I was pointing to similar to both an ice sculptor and a surfer thinking 10 degrees celsius day is bad one. Get my drift? LOL

Yes Oki I do.

Say hello to that evil looking cat and that really neat looking dog of yours.

Take care.

connexion123 06-11-2014 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by rugatika (Post 2456444)
Good on the nfa. I agree with them completely. Not sure why it's OK for gun control advocates to jump on gun owners right out of the gate, but we have to sit down, shut up and take our lumps.

It's been proven time and time again. Prohibition does NOT work.

The reason so many non-gun owners think more restrictions are needed every time something like this occurs is because that is the only message they hear. Over and over and over and over again. They need to begin to hear over and over and over again, that it is not about the guns, it's about the people and spending money trying to prohibit something is a waste of money and effort that could be better utilized elsewhere in preventing these tragedies.

Absolutely this^^

I'm tired of sitting idle and letting them rail.

If we fight, and lose, at least we fought.

michaelmicallef 06-11-2014 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by skidderman (Post 2456207)
I don't recall these crazy things when I was growing up. And I had play guns on me lots, so did most others. We watched John Wayne & it didn't cause any of us to go on a shooting spree. What has changed? The guns were there then and are now.

Lots has changed, what exactly causes people to do this sort of thing I'm not the expert but what ever changed it's to difficult to fix now so rifearms owners are the target of the fix. Which we all know really doesn't fix anything.

Albertadiver 06-11-2014 02:29 PM

Interesting article on a guy who had a carry permit legally defend his daughter. Got two bad guys in the process.

colroggal 06-11-2014 07:50 PM

poor little alec
These days I have become so nonpartisan that the very thought of political tugofwar this or every other tragic incident like it incurs just makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Horrible sad disgusting and disturbing as any evil deed is one needs to remember it is the deed rather than the tools devised for the task that is wrong. In a world without firearms the little bit o' ultra violence would still take place but with bats and clubs. Would that world then ban baseball and cricket and anything else requiring a blunt instrument. Ban the culinary arts. We wouldn't want a knife to fall into the wrong hands. Pulverize the Canadian shield to dust - someone might throw a rock.

better yet. Address the seed of evil. Lets spend the next two billion dollars on that. Maybe we'll get somewhere.

A pi$$ed off and deeply saddened, Colin.
Rest in peace, those who have guarded our own rest, and peace; which far too many have taken for granted far too long.

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