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HyperMOA 03-20-2024 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4710706)
Then again, both the liberal and ndp parties supported the carbon tax since it was created, so those MPs were elected while supporting the carbon tax.

Yes they were, how is that working out now though? Everyone wants to virtue signal until the house is being foreclosed on. The removal of carbon tax in Eastern canada on heating fuel was Trudeau in survival mode. The carbon tax is no longer supported out east.

waldedw 03-21-2024 04:10 PM

As expected it was voted down and the liberals survived a non confidence motion, the brotherhood loves their cozy life and needs their big fat pensions, he's not going away any time soon I'm afraid :thinking-006:

Drewski Canuck 03-21-2024 04:57 PM

This is an incredible stroke of LUCK!!!

The CPC now starts an Advertising Campaign apologizing to Canadians for not having enough Votes in Parliament to Axe the Tax.

The CPC now tells the Citizens that if only it had enough Support from Canadians we all would have saved Thousands on future Carbon Tax Increases.

The CPC tells Canadians to help us help YOU. Buy a Membership, get involved, there's alot of work to do to get rid of the Tyrants who are making everyone worse off with each and every day.

The CPC tells Canadians to contact their Liberal and NDP MP's and demand Action on the Carbon Tax, and cross the Floor to the Conservatives.


HyperMOA 03-21-2024 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4710896)
This is an incredible stroke of LUCK!!!

The CPC now starts an Advertising Campaign apologizing to Canadians for not having enough Votes in Parliament to Axe the Tax.

The CPC now tells the Citizens that if only it had enough Support from Canadians we all would have saved Thousands on future Carbon Tax Increases.

The CPC tells Canadians to help us help YOU. Buy a Membership, get involved, there's alot of work to do to get rid of the Tyrants who are making everyone worse off with each and every day.

The CPC tells Canadians to contact their Liberal and NDP MP's and demand Action on the Carbon Tax, and cross the Floor to the Conservatives.


That is right. There is another confidence vote on April 16 I believe. They need to stir up a hornets nest in Liberal, Bloc, and NDP ridings. Make those people scared of losing their re-election unless they act now!

Smoky buck 03-21-2024 05:21 PM

We are not going to see an early election just stop dreaming. The NDP is not going to give up power, they are also big supporters of WEF, and their agendas are very much the same

The liberals and NDP know at the present time they are screwed if an election takes place. Right now they are buying time in hopes public favor shifts it’s all they can do. They will let it buck to the end screwing up as much as they can before they run out of time if the polls don’t change

2 Tollers 03-21-2024 05:30 PM

Pierre has created a major wedge issue on affordability with the NDP - Liberal coalition now carrying target signs on their fronts. Good strategic move.

HyperMOA 03-21-2024 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4710900)
We are not going to see an early election just stop dreaming. The NDP is not going to give up power, they are also big supporters of WEF, and their agendas are very much the same

The liberals and NDP know at the present time they are screwed if an election takes place. Right now they are buying time in hopes public favor shifts it’s all they can do. They will let it buck to the end screwing up as much as they can before they run out of time if the polls don’t change

I can’t say I disagree with you;but between the carbon tax, housing, and Israel/Palestine there are huge cracks forming within the NDP and Liberals themselves.

Bushleague 03-21-2024 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4710900)
We are not going to see an early election just stop dreaming. The NDP is not going to give up power, they are also big supporters of WEF, and their agendas are very much the same

The liberals and NDP know at the present time they are screwed if an election takes place. Right now they are buying time in hopes public favor shifts it’s all they can do. They will let it buck to the end screwing up as much as they can before they run out of time if the polls don’t change

I get that we arent going to have a federal election, but forcing each Lib and NDP MP to vote for a tax hike that absolutely nobody wants is a damn good move. Say whatever else you want about Pierre, but in his current position he is brilliant.

Smoky buck 03-21-2024 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by HyperMOA (Post 4710908)
I can’t say I disagree with you;but between the carbon tax, housing, and Israel/Palestine there are huge cracks forming within the NDP and Liberals themselves.

Personal greed and fear of losing power will keep them glued together. The NDP has 0 to gain and everything to loose if an election is called. Because of that they will do nothing more than chirp when it comes to disagreements with the liberals

Smoky buck 03-21-2024 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bushleague (Post 4710911)
I get that we arent going to have a federal election, but forcing each Lib and NDP MP to vote for a tax hike that absolutely nobody wants is a damn good move. Say whatever else you want about Pierre, but in his current position he is brilliant.

Oh it’s a wise move by the conservative’s because they know the public from all walks of life are upset with rising costs, being overtaxed, and people want the Turd gone. So yup every liberal, NDP, and Bloc who voted it down just makes people think OK theses idiots support this style of government

It was a political move by the conservatives for an increased advantage come Election Day and I doubt they expected anymore out of this

Unregistered user 03-21-2024 07:23 PM

Proposed motion to delay the election by one week so that all the dips and liars that will be ousted make the 6 year minimum to get their big pensions. Disgusting. Hopefully a non confidence vote could bring them down. Yeah right.

I’d rather be outdoors 03-21-2024 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered user (Post 4710930)
Proposed motion to delay the election by one week so that all the dips and liars that will be ousted make the 6 year minimum to get their big pensions. Disgusting. Hopefully a non confidence vote could bring them down. Yeah right.

Even more fodder… sad thing is no more is needed, it just keeps getting plied on.

HyperMOA 03-21-2024 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4710914)
Personal greed and fear of losing power will keep them glued together. The NDP has 0 to gain and everything to loose if an election is called. Because of that they will do nothing more than chirp when it comes to disagreements with the liberals

Well many will worry about their seat over the party as soon as push comes to shove. The NDP is at a statistical tie with the Liberals, there isn’t a better time to get 4 more years and possibly grow the party. They know they will never form government anyways. All their paltry token promises have been fulfilled by the Libs.

Roadhunter 03-21-2024 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4710896)
This is an incredible stroke of LUCK!!!

The CPC now starts an Advertising Campaign apologizing to Canadians for not having enough Votes in Parliament to Axe the Tax.

The CPC now tells the Citizens that if only it had enough Support from Canadians we all would have saved Thousands on future Carbon Tax Increases.

The CPC tells Canadians to help us help YOU. Buy a Membership, get involved, there's alot of work to do to get rid of the Tyrants who are making everyone worse off with each and every day.

The CPC tells Canadians to contact their Liberal and NDP MP's and demand Action on the Carbon Tax, and cross the Floor to the Conservatives.


The CPC should hire you as a strategist! Or are you already? :)

Smoky buck 03-21-2024 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by HyperMOA (Post 4710942)
Well many will worry about their seat over the party as soon as push comes to shove. The NDP is at a statistical tie with the Liberals, there isn’t a better time to get 4 more years and possibly grow the party. They know they will never form government anyways. All their paltry token promises have been fulfilled by the Libs.

You are correct they know they won’t form government and the present deal with them propping up the liberals is as close as they are going to get anytime in the near future.

They can see the polls saying can majority which means going from a minion with a little power to nothing more than a fart in the background if an election is called. The writing is on the wall that the damage is already done and there is no saving face for the NDP until the cons screw up big (if they even do)

Theses are not honorable people so don’t expect honorable actions. Expect them to act like self serving scum and you will likely predict what they will do

But we can dream of an early election but I don’t see it happening unless Trudeau chooses to step down and he doesn’t seem to think he should

HyperMOA 03-21-2024 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4710957)
You are correct they know they won’t form government and the present deal with them propping up the liberals is as close as they are going to get anytime in the near future.

They can see the polls saying can majority which means going from a minion with a little power to nothing more than a fart in the background if an election is called. The writing is on the wall that the damage is already done and there is no saving face for the NDP until the cons screw up big (if they even do)

Theses are not honorable people so don’t expect honorable actions. Expect them to act like self serving scum and you will likely predict what they will do

But we can dream of an early election but I don’t see it happening unless Trudeau chooses to step down and he doesn’t seem to think he should

Once again, I can’t argue your logic. However, the Turd has thrown the NDP all the bones he will. There is nothing to gain now staying with the Libs. They likely want to start distancing themselves to attract some disenfranchised Liberals who will never vote conservative. As you say, they are self-serving; they are looking out for their own seats possibly. The cons have won, but if they maintain seats or even grow a handful its a win for them.

Who knows though, maybe they do stay with the Libs and blackmail them for a few more things here and there though.

densa44 03-22-2024 08:13 AM

Something strange here...
O.K. when there are non confidence votes and no one wants an election, the party whips carefully count the votes for and against the government. If necessary some MPs are absent. It is as chance for the losers in parlament to vote against the government.

In a minority government this can bring down the government if someone counts wrong.

What happened here is that the Bloc voted with the government and the NDP, I think the green party diod too. This is very strange as Drewski says everyone should be voting against the government.

I hear that most Canadians are getting a rebate from this so called tax. I don't really understand it but is that why the Bloc voted with the government?

I have never seen the Bloc (another way of saying PC in Quebec) vote against the PCs or for a Liberal government. Why didn't all the parties in opposition vote non confidence.

I'll have to start paying more attention, I guess when I knew it would fail I stopped reading. To deafeat this government you need help from Quebec,

Sledhead71 03-22-2024 08:32 AM

Regardless of party, our government is a joke... Pierre calls for a non-confidence vote and does not even bother to show up as he was out fund raising...

Pierre appears to be just another politician who can't be bothered to even attend personally to vote. It is interesting as well that the "axe the tax" movement has no official plan behind it.... Really does not surprise me, quit easy to dismantle policy with-out providing solutions...

Smoky buck 03-22-2024 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711012)
Regardless of party, our government is a joke... Pierre calls for a non-confidence vote and does not even bother to show up as he was out fund raising...

Pierre appears to be just another politician who can't be bothered to even attend personally to vote. It is interesting as well that the "axe the tax" movement has no official plan behind it.... Really does not surprise me, quit easy to dismantle policy with-out providing solutions...

Can’t argue with you there. Our system is a mess with no accountability and our options as leaders I don’t believe have Canadians as a priority.

Pierre speaks well and is definitely a better option than the alternative but with the lack of accountability in our system is he merely saying what people want to hear knowing there is no consequences if he doesn’t deliver

Pathfinder76 03-22-2024 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711012)
Regardless of party, our government is a joke... Pierre calls for a non-confidence vote and does not even bother to show up as he was out fund raising...

Pierre appears to be just another politician who can't be bothered to even attend personally to vote. It is interesting as well that the "axe the tax" movement has no official plan behind it.... Really does not surprise me, quit easy to dismantle policy with-out providing solutions...

Conservatives are as gaga over him as liberals are over Trudeau. Makes me laugh if not cry.

CBintheNorth 03-22-2024 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pathfinder76 (Post 4711018)
Conservatives are as gaga over him as liberals are over Trudeau. Makes me laugh if not cry.

I'm gaga over anyone that'll take us back to 2014.

elkhunter11 03-22-2024 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711012)
Regardless of party, our government is a joke... Pierre calls for a non-confidence vote and does not even bother to show up as he was out fund raising...

Pierre appears to be just another politician who can't be bothered to even attend personally to vote. It is interesting as well that the "axe the tax" movement has no official plan behind it.... Really does not surprise me, quit easy to dismantle policy with-out providing solutions...

The idea was never to force an election, anyone paying attention realized that it was to force the ndp to vote with the liberals, to turn more voters away from both, in the next election.
As far as the carbon tax is concerned the plan is simple, just do away with it, since it served no purpose.

JB_AOL 03-22-2024 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711012)
Regardless of party, our government is a joke... Pierre calls for a non-confidence vote and does not even bother to show up as he was out fund raising...

Pierre appears to be just another politician who can't be bothered to even attend personally to vote. It is interesting as well that the "axe the tax" movement has no official plan behind it.... Really does not surprise me, quit easy to dismantle policy with-out providing solutions...

So couple things.. he knew it was going to fail. I don't know any one who would vote with conservatives if they were very close to receiving their guaranteed pensions. Would you? Not likely.

Also, would you release your "plans" prior to any election being called? I certainly wouldn't, that gives liberals time to steal the ideas and possibly implement them or lots of time to try to come up with something better. Which (for the liberals) usually means give free money out.

PP, as mentioned is "playing the game". This is one small step.

FTR, Mr Trudeau (at his last election), promised not to raise the carbon yeah. There's that.

Accountability should be massive for these politicians, but it's not.

BuckCuller 03-22-2024 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4711027)
The idea was never to force an election, anyone paying attention realized that it was to force the ndp to vote with the liberals, to turn more voters away from both, in the next election.
As far as the carbon tax is concerned the plan is simple, just do away with it, since it served no purpose.

This is exactly what they did. It was to squeeze a few more votes out of the NDP and Bloc. They didn’t expect for one second think the motion would pass.
The CPC wants a majority and nothing less.

Sledhead71 03-22-2024 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4711027)
The idea was never to force an election, anyone paying attention realized that it was to force the ndp to vote with the liberals, to turn more voters away from both, in the next election.
As far as the carbon tax is concerned the plan is simple, just do away with it, since it served no purpose.

Sorry but anyone paying attention knows the coalition between the Liberals and the NDP, it is not new nor do they hide it... A true leader does not play games, politicians play games and Pierre is showing his cards.

The next election will be about the carbon tax, the Conservatives better have a solid plan as many voters will be expecting something... Again, real easy to dismantle something with-out providing solutions...


Originally Posted by JB_AOL (Post 4711030)
So couple things.. he knew it was going to fail. I don't know any one who would vote with conservatives if they were very close to receiving their guaranteed pensions. Would you? Not likely.

Also, would you release your "plans" prior to any election being called? I certainly wouldn't, that gives liberals time to steal the ideas and possibly implement them or lots of time to try to come up with something better. Which (for the liberals) usually means give free money out.

PP, as mentioned is "playing the game". This is one small step.

FTR, Mr Trudeau (at his last election), promised not to raise the carbon yeah. There's that.

Accountability should be massive for these politicians, but it's not.

Games, more games and the tax payer, you and I pay for this crap. I for one am tired of the system, Pierre has a chance to provide real leadership but is slipping into the swamp just like the rest of them...

Regarding a plan, of course it should be released, the next election will be about the tax and adjustments to achieve a goal. It worries me that there is no plan actually, what do these politicians get paid for ?

MountainTi 03-22-2024 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4711027)
The idea was never to force an election, anyone paying attention realized that it was to force the ndp to vote with the liberals, to turn more voters away from both, in the next election.
As far as the carbon tax is concerned the plan is simple, just do away with it, since it served no purpose.


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711036)
Sorry but anyone paying attention knows the coalition between the Liberals and the NDP, it is not new nor do they hide it... A true leader does not play games, politicians play games and Pierre is showing his cards.

Regarding a plan, of course it should be released, the next election will be about the tax and adjustments to achieve a goal. It worries me that there is no plan actually, what do these politicians get paid for ?

Elk is correct

JB_AOL 03-22-2024 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4711027)
As far as the carbon tax is concerned the plan is simple, just do away with it, since it served no purpose.

Well.. technically it did exactly what is was designed to do, put money in Trudeau's "pocket" to buy votes (ie. Open immigration, throw money at Ukraine/Russia/wef/etc.), and make Canadians Believe they were getting more money back than they were paying.

But I get what you are saying. It did absolutely nothing for "carbon reduction".

AxeMan 03-22-2024 10:06 AM

X2 Elk is correct.

Sure we all know the NDP-Lib marriage in intact, any captain obvious knows that.

What Pierre did was forcing the NDP into another action, not just words. That will deeped the fact the NDP and the Libs are one in the same and make it harder for then to claim separation some day. A simple, but necessary game.

And Sled, anyone actually paying attention does hear Con plans to actually help reduce emissions. LNG, hydrogen development, carbon capture. Not a useless tax that accomplishes nothing but punishing Canadians and driving inflation.

Sledhead71 03-22-2024 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by MountainTi (Post 4711040)
Elk is correct

Don't take this the wrong way, but the way some cling to political parties is what is wrong with politics these days.

Pierre is throwing around numbers like 23% come April first to scare voters, sounds similar to what Danni did with the APP.

Pierre calls a non-confidence vote, then does not attend in person.

If Pierre wants to win, he needs to change the mind of the voter. To change the mind of the voter, we need a plan, not a slogan. These same voters that are needed to change our political landscape won't appreciate a non-confidence vote where he didn't bother to attend. These voters do care about the environment, so not having a plan again does not secure their confidence in a different party.

Pierre has a chance as the majority of voters are swimming in debt, this alone won't win a majority government which is what is needed to force change.

Dylan15 03-22-2024 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sledhead71 (Post 4711036)
Sorry but anyone paying attention knows the coalition between the Liberals and the NDP, it is not new nor do they hide it... A true leader does not play games, politicians play games and Pierre is showing his cards.

The next election will be about the carbon tax, the Conservatives better have a solid plan as many voters will be expecting something... Again, real easy to dismantle something with-out providing solutions...

Games, more games and the tax payer, you and I pay for this crap. I for one am tired of the system, Pierre has a chance to provide real leadership but is slipping into the swamp just like the rest of them...

Regarding a plan, of course it should be released, the next election will be about the tax and adjustments to achieve a goal. It worries me that there is no plan actually, what do these politicians get paid for ?

Why would Pierre reveal his plans before an election is called? This would be tipping his hand. The election is over a year and a half away, best not to give out your ideas, or your opponents a chance to dissect your arguments in advance. People need to understand this. His platform will (hopefully as in the past) reveal everything. He would only hurt his chances by putting details out. He still has a lot of time to consult, listen, and finalize, and I would expect his team to be working on that. A year and a half is a very long time from now. What bothers us today, may not be relevant at election time. We all need to cool our jets on saying he's useless and worrying. Would you show your poker hand before you need to?

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