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woods_walker 10-05-2017 06:44 AM

Any links to the Facebook posts? Wouldn't mind adding some squeak to the wheel. Like others have said, not much 'hunt' when most of the park animals just stand there.

Michael_Brown 10-05-2017 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by heretohunt (Post 3636598)
Just relax guys, I am sure there our liberal government and NDP will get together and make this fair. They definitely don't want to be seen as prejudice in today's day and age. They will offer the rest of us a non-native only hunt. You will see.

Just like our conservative government did before them...
Not really a political party issue unless we agree that all of the parties are useless.
We need a new system not a different political party, they are all cut from the same cloth.

I am not sure why they are not hunting for 3 cows, 3 ewes & 3 does....

Kurt505 10-05-2017 07:54 AM


Maybe it'll keep them out of the areas the rest of us are allowed to hunt. Maybe they should make parks the only place to have an open season for them. Put that out on their tourism pamphlets as an attraction to see a real traditional hunt, like part of the natural landscape.

doughgoat 10-05-2017 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Slicktricker (Post 3636572)
Wouldn't be much of a hunt the animals are so used to vehicles and what not I'd rather take a rag horn 5x5 that I worked my ass of for then a record book that was easy

Well you know they ain't getting out of their vehicles so perfect! Someone's going to get shot and it will shut this whole idea down quick.

Stinky Buffalo 10-05-2017 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 3636549)
Don't be surprised if you come across an active native village that hasn't existed for many moons.

Our National Parks are accepting that Aboriginal people are part of the natural landscape, they are to be re-introduced just as buffalo were.

Yup! The following quote from this article says pretty much that.


“There’s no reason why we can’t take all the national parks and provincial parks that exist across the country and reintroduce Indigenous people into those lands, with their rights recognized, and give them responsibility in the management and operation of those protected areas,” Nitah said.
You called, it, WB. Interesting times ahead, indeed.

Kurt505 10-05-2017 08:59 AM

I can't wait to watch the National Geographic episode where we get to watch traditional native hunting in our national parks!!!

“There’s no reason why we can’t take all the national parks and provincial parks that exist across the country and reintroduce Indigenous people into those lands, with their rights recognized, and give them responsibility in the management and operation of those protected areas,” Nitah said. 10-05-2017 09:02 AM

If I wanted to get banned this would be the thread id do it in lol

But I'll hold back.

Contact the the UCP official opposition with your complaints.

heretohunt 10-05-2017 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by woods_walker (Post 3636793)
Any links to the Facebook posts? Wouldn't mind adding some squeak to the wheel. Like others have said, not much 'hunt' when most of the park animals just stand there.

We have to be careful with these comments. When they started opening up Suffield it wasn't much different. And now people lined up for this Hunt. Perhaps we support this opportunity and make the claim for prejudice later on. It is a pretty clear-cut case of prejudice.

FinnDawg 10-05-2017 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by wildwoods (Post 3636633)
WB is the reference.

That literally means nothing to me. Where is he getting his facts from? Is there any sort of paper trail to what he is stating? I'm not saying what he is stating is false, but I'm also not someone to follow along like a sheep because it tickles my balls. I just want to see where he is getting his information so I can know more before jumping to any conclusions, that's all.

ryeguy21 10-05-2017 09:45 AM

I can appreciate why people are upset by this but I can also respect why first nations would be allowed to hunt. I heard this is the first time it will happen in jasper.

Its apparently a BC first nations band thats being allowed in. No other first nations will be allowed. The decision relates to those who have traditional rights to the area and Just those who are invited are allowed.

sharpstick 10-05-2017 09:50 AM

Maybe we should all form a road block and Protest. It seems all the special groups in this country get attention when they do this. Maybe its us that needs to be crying for equal rights???

ryeguy21 10-05-2017 09:51 AM

So at least everyones being discriminated against as 99% of first nations arent allowed to hunt even though they have the same guaranteed rights as other first nations.

Craziest part is that bands from outside alberta are being given the opportunity before others.

dave99 10-05-2017 12:20 PM

The word around town is that the FN cull begins tomorrow. No public consultation process was done, and this is just breaking news in the town of Jasper as we speak.
Will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Obviously I am naive, but it's hard to believe that Parks Canada kept this quiet for so long.

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Trochu 10-05-2017 12:29 PM

Sounds like government sponsored racism to me.

walking buffalo 10-05-2017 12:50 PM

Thanks Stinky, that is the article I recalled as being from CBC.


Originally Posted by FinnDawg (Post 3636918)
That literally means nothing to me. Where is he getting his facts from? Is there any sort of paper trail to what he is stating? I'm not saying what he is stating is false, but I'm also not someone to follow along like a sheep because it tickles my balls. I just want to see where he is getting his information so I can know more before jumping to any conclusions, that's all.

I have had the fortune of having a life that has taken me into some interesting places, where "White" people are rarely allowed to go.

I can't speak specifically of where or "paper" for much of it, that would break the trust that allows me access to these places.

At times I do have the ability to offer general guidance for others to follow for insight.
My history on such matters speaks for itself.
Good enough for some, not so for others.... :sHa_sarcasticlol:

This guidance may be a simple as suggesting people use logic.

There is no place on Earth where there are not factions of peoples competing for control. This is a hardwired Human trait that will never go away.

To think that Aboriginal Nations are Not planning and taking action for the long term, using the "other" people's system to survive today with the intent to prosper and Lead tomorrow is naive.

The article linked by Stinky should suffice to give confidence for those that need "paper" that indeed, what I am saying is part of the Red path.

Kurt505 10-05-2017 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by ryeguy21 (Post 3636946)
So at least everyones being discriminated against as 99% of first nations arent allowed to hunt even though they have the same guaranteed rights as other first nations.

Craziest part is that bands from outside alberta are being given the opportunity before others.

The silver lining on the black cloud?

dave99 10-05-2017 01:42 PM

Wish I could hunt in JNP
Some facts straight from Parks Canada:
-Cull hunt along the Celestine Lake road and Snaring will occur from Oct 6-13
-the Simpcw FN will be participating. From my quick research they mainly reside in the area of BC from Valemount to Barriere. They are one of many FN that used the Jasper area, historically
-no other FN groups have been invited to partake
-the hunt is done in the spirit of reconciliation as a joint effort from Parks Canada, the Federal Government, and the Simpcw FN
-they have set quotas on cull harvest at 3 elk, 3 whitetail, 3 sheep, and one mule deer. No information on sex or age of animals was listed.
I've left the Jasper Park First Nations liaison a message with questions, especially to do with the lack of transparency.

I don't personally have an issue with harvest. I do have a big problem with backdoor deals done in the name of reconciliation and politics.

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muzzy 10-05-2017 02:45 PM

The word Im really starting to hate is RECONCILIATE Oh dear we have to reconciliate

walking buffalo 10-05-2017 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by dave99 (Post 3637178)
Some facts straight from Parks Canada:
-Cull hunt along the Celestine Lake road and Snaring will occur from Oct 6-13
-the Simpcw FN will be participating. From my quick research they mainly reside in the area of BC from Valemount to Barriere. They are one of many FN that used the Jasper area, historically
-no other FN groups have been invited to partake
-the hunt is done in the spirit of reconciliation as a joint effort from Parks Canada, the Federal Government, and the Simpcw FN
-they have set quotas on cull harvest at 3 elk, 3 whitetail, 3 sheep, and one mule deer. No information on sex or age of animals was listed.
I've left the Jasper Park First Nations liaison a message with questions, especially to do with the lack of transparency.

I don't personally have an issue with harvest. I do have a big problem with backdoor deals done in the name of reconciliation and politics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for digging in, Dave99!

Did Parks actually call this a "cull hunt"?

They do understand what the word Cull means when used as an adjective to hunt?

So there is a management goal to reduce the wildlife population by 3 Elk, 3 Whitetails, 3 Bighorns and 1 Mulie.....

Unfortunately to many of us, the management goal has nothing to do with the good of the wildlife, it is purely political, to allow Aboriginal control of the Parks.

These animals are the first patronage payment in this new political play.

These animals are being used as Pawns.

Shame on the Simpcw.
They should know better than to kill our brothers and sisters within this motive.
This disrespect will come at a cost to those that participate.

ryeguy21 10-05-2017 03:05 PM

i think your tin foil hat needs to be removed Walking Buffalo. I can appreciate anyones concern with this though. It does come across as a back room type of deal. No public consultation just straight approval. We need to consult on everything yet this was just approved that easily?

Curious if the band is limited to the animal quotas per individual or if the quota is for the entire band itself.

doughgoat 10-05-2017 03:41 PM

Unbelievable, the wildlife belongs to you, me and everyone in this province equally. What kind of compensation are we receiving in return. Are they paying non-resident licencing fees?

leviwhitney 10-05-2017 03:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 138367

I found this while searching on facebook... The hunt might not be a new thing?

Albertadiver 10-05-2017 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by muzzy (Post 3637239)
The word Im really starting to hate is RECONCILIATE Oh dear we have to reconciliate

More reconciliation here:

A thread derail I know....

dave99 10-05-2017 03:51 PM

Wish I could hunt in JNP
Apologies for the possible misquote WB: I was writing as the Parks employee was reading her script. My notes read Simpcw FN "Harvest Hunt", not "Cull".
I don't believe that the word cull was used.

Levi: I specifically asked the employee whether there was precedent for this type of hunt in Jasper. She said that this is the first such hunt. She may be mis-informed, or your FB intel may also be wrong. Nobody in Jasper with whom I have spoken about this has been aware of any such event in the past.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

doughgoat 10-05-2017 03:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Also from 2013.. "It is intended to be a rights and title hunt and not a food hunt per say.." Unreal.

nube 10-05-2017 04:10 PM

I see a lot of people on the wall of racism that just jumped off it! The decline of Canada is on a downhill spiral the last few year on so many issues and this is another of them

walking buffalo 10-05-2017 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by ryeguy21 (Post 3637258)
i think your tin foil hat needs to be removed Walking Buffalo. I can appreciate anyones concern with this though. It does come across as a back room type of deal. No public consultation just straight approval. We need to consult on everything yet this was just approved that easily?

Curious if the band is limited to the animal quotas per individual or if the quota is for the entire band itself.

"you probably think this song is about you..."

I don't expect everyone to be able to understand what I am saying.
Not everything that I write is meant for everyone to understand.
Those that can and should, will.

It is good this way. It tells me all about you.


Originally Posted by dave99 (Post 3637299)
Apologies for the possible misquote WB: I was writing as the Parks employee was reading her script. My notes read Simpcw FN "Harvest Hunt", not "Cull".
I don't believe that the word cull was used.

Levi: I specifically asked the employee whether there was precedent for this type of hunt in Jasper. She said that this is the first such hunt. She may be mis-informed, or your FB intel may also be wrong. Nobody in Jasper with whom I have spoken about this has been aware of any such event in the past.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No worries. Cull or harvest, the purpose is the same.

Keep fighting Men!

EZM 10-05-2017 04:45 PM

Seems ironic, or perhaps hypocritical, how we, as non-aboriginal people feel when we have feel we have been treated unfairly, unjustly by the government over land use claims.

4pointswest 10-05-2017 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 3637362)
Seems ironic, or perhaps hypocritical, how we, as non-aboriginal people feel when we have feel we have been treated unfairly, unjustly by the government over land use claims.

Last time I checked the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms said,

"Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability."

FN groups need to be treated just as everyone else does. Time to knock off this BS.

H380 10-05-2017 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by KBF (Post 3636629)
I feel discriminated against.

Dont feel that way .. "SOMEONE" has to pay for their opportunities and lifestyle . Im sure they will use traditional equipment , stone points , stick bows and horses .. oh forgot the loin cloth . No camo required . And all of the kill will be used and none wasted . Those Boone and Crockett size animals are much tastier than a nontrophy meat animal .

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