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Grizzly Adams 02-19-2020 09:34 AM

Just changed my mind, let the blockades continue indefinitely . :evilgrin:


58thecat 02-19-2020 09:49 AM

Moe says the premiers’ meeting is needed because the blockades have been up for almost two weeks and Trudeau has offered no course of action to protect the country’s economic interests.
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters CEO Dennis Darby has said the crisis is stranding an estimated $425 million in goods every day the blockade continues.

That's a lot of lost revenue...I think there needed to be immediate actions taken as if it was the common canuck acting up....jepers eh!

Kurt505 02-19-2020 09:52 AM

Is there any democratic process in place where we are able to elect a leader for our country?

Right now it feels like we’re all in kindergarten class waiting for the teacher to show up!!!!

I’m not even joking.

guysmiley 02-19-2020 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kurt505 (Post 4113678)
Is there any democratic process in place where we are able to elect a leader for our country?

Right now it feels like we’re all in kindergarten class waiting for the teacher to show up!!!!

I’m not even joking.

I feel the same way... It's so juvenile.

elkhunter11 02-19-2020 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 4113666)
Just changed my mind, let the blockades continue indefinitely . :evilgrin:


I almost want to change my mind as well, but Trudeau will likely compensate Quebec for losses, while ignoring the other provinces

elkhunter11 02-19-2020 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by CaberTosser (Post 4113643)
It’s presently -17 in Edmonton. A water cannon ought to do the trick.

Heck, just affix two or three water tanker cars, some high-pressure, high-volume pumps and a pair of nozzles to the front of every train and we won’t even need the police to stop by. Just have the trains sweep their own paths clear. It will also extinguish those dangerous burn barrels that the protesters like to stand around to warm themselves.

That would be the perfect solution, the railways washing down their tracks.:)

Ken07AOVette 02-19-2020 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4113683)
I almost want to change my mind as well, but Trudeau will likely compensate Quebec for losses, while ignoring the other provinces

Are you kidding? He won't ignore us, we will be full front and center in his sights;

'how to bankrupt the Prairies and make me look like the Savior of True Canadiennes??'

DoePolicyAnalyst 02-19-2020 10:15 AM

Justice Minister Schweitzer taking action:

"The blocking of economically critical infrastructure such as rail lines is an offence and will not be tolerated.

It is my understanding that CN Rail is seeking an emergency injunction this morning – which the Government of Alberta fully supports."

It is my expectation that law enforcement will take all appropriate action to enforce the law.

We will continue to monitor the situation and work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the law is upheld and that rail service is maintained.

Albertans will not be economic hostages to law-breaking extremists.
#abpoli #ableg"

CaberTosser 02-19-2020 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4113685)
That would be the perfect solution, the railways washing down their tracks.:)

It’s the friendlier version of my similar concept that involves spraying hydrocarbon-based, gelled liquids past an ignition source. Though towards the ever-present burn barrel would suffice as well.

urban rednek 02-19-2020 10:17 AM

Canuckistan desperately needs a hard reset

Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 4113666)
Just changed my mind, let the blockades continue indefinitely . :evilgrin:

Actually, we need to encourage the protesters to set up more blockades. :bad_boys_20:
Until such time as our cadre of socially engineered, unicorn loving members of society are severely and negatively impacted by the actions they champion, this will continue. ad infinitum.

Either the idiotic precept of "social license" needs to be rebuked as childish hypocrisy, or we need to bring back spikes and gibbets as necessary to get the point across. :evilgrin:

Here is something to consider: many of the energy firms that have succumbed to the organized attack on our resources could have survived a short term impact on their cash flow. If we had turned off all the pipelines instead of continuing to negotiate with internationally backed eco-terrorists this would have been corrected years ago. How many weeks would it have taken before the zealots and useful idiots would have had an epiphany and agreed that their position was completely untenable?

Enjoy the decline.

dgl1948 02-19-2020 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4113598)


Best thing that the big railway companies could do is start identifying individual people in the blockade, serve them with the Amended Statement of Claim naming the individuals, and seeking damages for the losses from the illegal blockade (Which is in the millions per day).

THEN seek Summary Judgement against the individuals and haul them in to identify their assets and start seizing property.

Lets see if the ones really behind the Blockades come to their rescue with Legal Fees and Costs.

Lets see if their compatriots put their money where their mouth is to pay for the Damages. The Injunction has already been granted, so the case has been decided already.

When you take it to the individual level, you will see that the ones who have something to loose will move on to other noble causes. That is when they find out that there is no solidarity with their compatriots.

As for the ones really behind this thing, they will quickly disappear in thin air to save their own money.


This is what needs to happen!!!!!!

Kurt505 02-19-2020 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by DoePolicyAnalyst (Post 4113693)
Justice Minister Schweitzer taking action:

"The blocking of economically critical infrastructure such as rail lines is an offence and will not be tolerated.

It is my understanding that CN Rail is seeking an emergency injunction this morning – which the Government of Alberta fully supports."

It is my expectation that law enforcement will take all appropriate action to enforce the law.

We will continue to monitor the situation and work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the law is upheld and that rail service is maintained.

Albertans will not be economic hostages to law-breaking extremists.
#abpoli #ableg"

Wow...... we get to experience leadership???

Athabasca1 02-19-2020 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by DoePolicyAnalyst (Post 4113693)
Justice Minister Schweitzer taking action:

"The blocking of economically critical infrastructure such as rail lines is an offence and will not be tolerated.

It is my understanding that CN Rail is seeking an emergency injunction this morning – which the Government of Alberta fully supports."

It is my expectation that law enforcement will take all appropriate action to enforce the law.

We will continue to monitor the situation and work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the law is upheld and that rail service is maintained.

Albertans will not be economic hostages to law-breaking extremists.
#abpoli #ableg"

When the injunction is issued the police need to immediately serve the injunction to the protesters. If the protesters do not immediately disband then the police need to arrest them all. If the police do not enforce the injunction then the court should issue a contempt of court order against the police.

kingrat 02-19-2020 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 4113666)
Just changed my mind, let the blockades continue indefinitely . :evilgrin:


Lol I more than giggled when I read that.

bat119 02-19-2020 11:04 AM

This problem shouldn't exist as soon as the blockades went up within hours they should have been taken down the protesters charged with trespassing or sabotage.
If it was any other demographic such as gun owners, teachers, unifor or the shriners this situation wouldn't exist.
By doing nothing for over a week the Liberals painted Canada into a corner sadly our spineless leader will eventually cave to their demands rather than upholding the law.


JULIUS 02-19-2020 11:36 AM

Kenny now saying it is within Edmonton so it is up to EPS to police it. Are you kidding me. If that barricade is not down within a few hours of the CN injunction
Then it will be just like all the others.
I am getting so disappointed in government at all levels. But I will wait and see what happens today.
In Edmonton for goodness sake the heart of oil country they are so empowered they can do whatever they want.

The Cook 02-19-2020 11:38 AM

We all know when quebexico says poop justine says what color and how much.

liar 02-19-2020 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by DoePolicyAnalyst (Post 4113693)
Justice Minister Schweitzer taking action:

"The blocking of economically critical infrastructure such as rail lines is an offence and will not be tolerated.

It is my understanding that CN Rail is seeking an emergency injunction this morning – which the Government of Alberta fully supports."

It is my expectation that law enforcement will take all appropriate action to enforce the law.

We will continue to monitor the situation and work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the law is upheld and that rail service is maintained.

Albertans will not be economic hostages to law-breaking extremists.
#abpoli #ableg"

this is what makes my heart rate go up . we already have " no trespassing" laws . why do we need injunctions , meetings , and debates in the house of commons ? why was the law upheld immediately at the bc premiere's home but not at the rail lines ?:angry3:

The Cook 02-19-2020 11:40 AM

Bring in the army with live ammo.

buckbrush 02-19-2020 11:42 AM

I think the only way any arrests will happen here is if someone goes and tries to tear that blockade down...

Ken07AOVette 02-19-2020 11:46 AM

The owners of the trains are holding the trains back.

It's not real hard to find out what is going on I think.

Bill Gates is the largest single shareholder at 10% of CN

America is pulling the strings. If they wanted they would roll right through.

Drewski Canuck 02-19-2020 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by nimrod (Post 4113604)
Wish this could take place, send this info to the railroad people, maybe they just need this info to start .


This is the ONLY WAY to deal with so called People of Principle.

Charge them with S. 430 (1)(c) under the Criminal Code (Mischief to Property: Obstructs, Interrupts, or interfering with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property,...). Conviction is very easy, and has to be pursued.

Bring the Civil Damages case for the Breach of the Injunction.

Get the Judgement on a Summary Judgement Application against the individuals.

Because the damages arose from a Criminal Action they will not be able to get Discharge of the Judgement on Bankruptcy.

Start seizing anything and everything from the Protesters.

Its that simple. Principle does have a price. Lets see if the Protesters are willing to pay it.


Bigwoodsman 02-19-2020 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4113598)

Wake up to WHAT???

These people could be working, but are not.

The rest of us are working, trying to keep our personal economy and the Canadian economy going.

Best thing to do, is blockade the blockade, and keep them there. Sooner or later they will have to eat, go to the bathroom, warm up...

Best thing that the big railway companies could do is start identifying individual people in the blockade, serve them with the Amended Statement of Claim naming the individuals, and seeking damages for the losses from the illegal blockade (Which is in the millions per day).

THEN seek Summary Judgement against the individuals and haul them in to identify their assets and start seizing property.

Lets see if the ones really behind the Blockades come to their rescue with Legal Fees and Costs.

Lets see if their compatriots put their money where their mouth is to pay for the Damages. The Injunction has already been granted, so the case has been decided already.

When you take it to the individual level, you will see that the ones who have something to loose will move on to other noble causes. That is when they find out that there is no solidarity with their compatriots.

As for the ones really behind this thing, they will quickly disappear in thin air to save their own money.


Drewski for PM!


Bigwoodsman 02-19-2020 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by 7magtime (Post 4113638)
Agree with Elk and Kurt, this will be a good test for Kenney to see if he stands behind his convictions and deals with any Alberta blockades. If he doesn't he'll be in the same limelight as the Turd. If he clears the blockades immediately it will be more pie in the Turd's face and may help to shame him into doing his job and dealing with the National issue at hand....

Don't we have a $30,000,000.00 war room to deal with activists? Man up Premier, and walk your talk!


Flight01 02-19-2020 12:01 PM

Via rail lay off 1,000 workers due to blockades
1 Attachment(s)
Via rail lay off 1,000 workers due to blockades

Mulehahn 02-19-2020 12:02 PM

CN already has an injunction in Ontario. The OPP won't enforce it. The rule of law, the very foundation of a civilized society, is gone. It is official, the laws do not apply to First Nations. Not racist, not exaggeration, if you are FN or claim to support FNs you are free to trespass, vandalize, and sabotage. The PM has spoken.

Canada is on the brink of failure and I am not using hyperbole. Does anyone honestly not think the die is cast. Any project going forward will face the same tactics and the government will never be able to do anything about it. With billions a week a week being lost, thousands of hard working Canadians laid off or greatly reduced hours and we have the police working over time to provide security for the criminals. I am just at a loss.

Glion 02-19-2020 12:05 PM

Honest question. What are the repercussions for protesters who tear down other protesters barricades? If I show up with say 500 other people and tear down the barricade what happens? Besides the ****show

Bergerboy 02-19-2020 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Glion (Post 4113763)
Honest question. What are the repercussions for protesters who tear down other protesters barricades? If I show up with say 500 other people and tear down the barricade what happens? Besides the ****show

They will employ their "go to" tactic. You will be labelled as a racist and charged with a hate crime.

waldedw 02-19-2020 12:14 PM

Well our spineless, useless, gutless PM has allowed this to happen, the cat is out of the bag and he can't catch it now, his total inaction and pandering of these people has now reached the point where they run the country.

Hope everyone that voted for that waste of skin are happy

CMichaud 02-19-2020 12:22 PM

Kenney needs to nut up and announce the stand up of a Provincial Police Force.

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