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pottymouth 12-22-2011 01:07 PM

>10 yrs 1 yr wait
8 - 10 yrs 3 yr wait
6 - 8 yrs 5 yr wait
<6 yrs 7 yr wait"

I was thinking on my drive to work, and 2 more questions popped up on this part of the topic.

1)On a heavy broomed ram, would they only count the actual rings or would they consider the missing portion? and how would the missing portion be determined?

2) Area's like K-country that are known for big loopey curls, might see less pressure. More pressure might be directed to places like the central zones where curls are alot more tighter.

In K-country you could have a legal ram as low as 4 1/2 yrs old, but usually 6 1/2 is what im understanding is average, but that 6 1/2 yr old ram could easily score 170+, and have a 5 yr wait.

Where the tight curl zones take longer to reach legal, and actually older in age, but smaller in size. So a 8 1/2+ yr old ram could be barely legal and only score in the 150's !

I'm thinking that a division intypes of sheephunters would occur. Some want score, and some quanity...But guys that like to just sheep hunt would probably head north on the age thing, cause wait time would be much less, between mounts!

Just my thinking, maybe I'm over thinking it???

Skywalker 12-22-2011 01:10 PM

If they are going to put the province on draw I should hope that they include at least half of the month of November. If limiting the amount of hunters is the reason they can at least expand on the opportunities. We all know that the draw will be full of guys who have never hunted sheep before and after a couple of good hills will retire. Also November hunting can be an extreme sport up there. It would be a nice nod to the experienced folks. Not to mention it would take a lot of pressure off of the 438 November draws.

sheephunter 12-22-2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by pottymouth (Post 1220858)
>10 yrs 1 yr wait
8 - 10 yrs 3 yr wait
6 - 8 yrs 5 yr wait
<6 yrs 7 yr wait"

1)On a heavy broomed ram, would they only count the actual rings or would they consider the missing portion? and how would the missing portion be determined?


There is a formula for it that should be plus or minus one year that they use on thinhorns so I suspect there is the same for bighorns.

209x50 12-22-2011 01:14 PM

I think maybe the question that needs answering is WHO wants the changes? Who sits at this panel and discusses this? I see some proposals that were floated on this very board in the last 2 years that makes me suspicious that an organization is behind this. Like the goofy cop shows on TV I always look to the money and who would profit. For me the obvious winner is APOS but then i look around at some of the representative groups to see who makes up their membership. I could be in left field here and i hope I'm proved wrong but it looks to me like we have a fox in the chicken coup.

pottymouth 12-22-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1220863)
If they are going to put the province on draw I should hope that they include at least half of the month of November. If limiting the amount of hunters is the reason they can at least expand on the opportunities. We all know that the draw will be full of guys who have never hunted sheep before and after a couple of good hills will retire. Also November hunting can be an extreme sport up there. It would be a nice nod to the experienced folks. Not to mention it would take a lot of pressure off of the 438 November draws.

That would increase oppoturnity, and i don't think there going to do that , when the larger rams are even more vulnerable !

pottymouth 12-22-2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 1220874)
I think maybe the question that needs answering is WHO wants the changes? Who sits at this panel and discusses this? I see some proposals that were floated on this very board in the last 2 years that makes me suspicious that an organization is behind this. Like the goofy cop shows on TV I always look to the money and who would profit. For me the obvious winner is APOS but then i look around at some of the representative groups to see who makes up their membership. I could be in left field here and i hope I'm proved wrong but it looks to me like we have a fox in the chicken coup.

Is there any type of competition commitee ( like the NHL has) we have to oppose these changes. Or is it each individual society needs to make a plea, along with individual people? If we don't have one maybe we should organize one people's commitee, instead of 10-15 seperate ones with their own agenda's !

sheephunter 12-22-2011 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by pottymouth (Post 1220884)
Is there any type of competition commitee ( like the NHL has) we have to oppose these changes. Or is it each individual society needs to make a plea, along with individual people? If we don't have one maybe we should organize one people's commitee, instead of 10-15 seperate ones with their own agenda's !

If anything potty, I think recent events have shown how powerful the individual is. I belong to several conservation organizations and like to and in this case will make myself aware of their position but I think all of us should voice our concerns, questions, etc on issues like this. The individual voice is powerful. I'm glad that their is public consultation through the conservation groups I support but I may not always agree with their stance and then I want my position heard too. This doesn't make the group wrong or sway my opinion of the good work they do but sometimes, I just don't agree with them 100% and want to make sure that SRD is aware of other positions. I'd never criticize a group for representing the wishes of their membership but I do want my individual say as well. I guess if enough people feel the same way and send their individual thoughts, it suddenly becomes the voice of a group without taking away from the voice of the other groups. I think that makes sense

Duk Dog 12-22-2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Wing (Post 1220808)
I'm curious to see how much influence APOS had on these decisions. I know of some of the local sheep outfitters that were complaining about the high hunting pressure pushing sheep out of a lot of their traditional ranges.

What they should be complaining about is the loss of areas that once upon a time were open to traditional activities such as hunting and now aren't. Every time hunting is banned from an area it creates additional safe havens for critters which could possibly adapt by staying in those no hunting zones.

Speckle55 12-22-2011 01:44 PM

say that the Province has 5000 sheep

of them what percent are rams that are legal

so how do you want to hunt them

the way it was before draws was everyone had the same chance buy tag hunt if 300 legal rams were shot it was done ( it did not happen 300 shot in one year)

Now on Draws in some areas still have the same number being shot as before..

so now lets change that and make more draws but the number of sheep killed stay the same ?

so now lets make it so the good die hard hunters have to wait a few years after they kill?

there still is only X number of legal sheep and there are more hunter's than legal rams ..

now lets getting more into sheep Game Ranching and selling tags to the American's or higgest bidder like we have been doing the last 20 or so years and oh we will allow Albertans to have a draw too in that Game Ranch area .. but hey DO NOT CALL CADOMIN A GAME RANCH just because we feed them and they do not leave much or they have so much human animal exposure that you shoot them with one hand as you pet them with the other.. and just because they have a horn rot issue at the Mine sites(industry spills etc) and hooves that are 6inches long and one has had high Selenium in blood sample (google selenium kill sheep 160 dead in 6 hrs)

in sheep hunting you have to put in X number of days to get a legal sheep does any one one here know what that number is and are we here in Alberta trying to make is easier than mother nature does allready..

Are we in Alberta throwing away our conservation and nature's balance


The Rich ..who are content to buy what they have not the Skill to get by their own exertions..these are the Real Enemies of the game !!
Theodore Roosevelt
Principles of the Hunt

Food for Thought

Don K 12-22-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Duk Dog (Post 1220906)
What they should be complaining about is the loss of areas that once upon a time were open to traditional activities such as hunting and now aren't. Every time hunting is banned from an area it creates additional safe havens for critters which could possibly adapt by staying in those no hunting zones.

Exactly. There are areas west of me that used to hold lots of animals, but with the introduction of these areas the animals have adjusted from the traditional range...

blackmamba 12-22-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by pottymouth (Post 1220730)
Unfortunately, CO's have a hard time coming up with the same age as one another! Just like some co's are harder on judging than others. I'm sure after awhile there will prefered office to go to!

We had 4 officers give 3 different ages on mambas ram! The 5th admitted she wasn't sure, and asked what we

not to mention the officer asked as to why my second tag was not applied to the hind leg of my sheep ????

So if these proposed wait times are to begin as per age of the animal , do these wait times include the rams one has already harvested , or does only apply to the guys submitting rams under the new regulations??

Rackmastr 12-22-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by blackmamba (Post 1220915)
not to mention the officer asked as to why my second tag was not applied to the hind leg of my sheep ????

So if these proposed wait times are to begin as per age of the animal , do these wait times include the rams one has already harvested , or does only apply to the guys submitting rams under the new regulations??

Haha....ya what a joke...

I would think they'd start when the regulation was changed.

Nait Hadya 12-22-2011 03:26 PM

Alberta Class Proceedings Act.

sheephunter 12-22-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by blackmamba (Post 1220915)
not to mention the officer asked as to why my second tag was not applied to the hind leg of my sheep ????

So if these proposed wait times are to begin as per age of the animal , do these wait times include the rams one has already harvested , or does only apply to the guys submitting rams under the new regulations??

It would have to start with new regulation being enacted same as the wait times based on how many rams you have killed. We'd all start at zero. From what I hear, the new wait times based on number of rams killed will come into effect in 2012.

PLOTT 12-22-2011 04:09 PM

Sheep Draw
Not sure we need any major changes but a draw would be the worst thing that could happen. The wait periods are a lesser evil as most successful sheep hunters are content if they harvest a good ram. The high predator and late winter sheep hunters have to be addressed before they can restict us.

sheephunter 12-22-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by PLOTT (Post 1221074)
The high predator and late winter sheep hunters have to be addressed before they can restict us.

You'd think so but it appears that is not the case.

209x50 12-22-2011 04:20 PM

I've sent my emails asking the questions and expressing my outrage and disgust. Everyone who is unhappy or confused should do the same.

Okotokian 12-22-2011 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 1221089)
Everyone who is unhappy or confused should do the same.

About anything in particular? LOL

209x50 12-22-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 1221094)
About anything in particular? LOL

But of course you always should!

sheephunter 12-22-2011 04:42 PM

The wait times according to ram age and increasing licence fees to reduce hunter numbers are off the table according to SRD.

Justin.C 12-22-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 1221089)
I've sent my emails asking the questions and expressing my outrage and disgust. Everyone who is unhappy or confused should do the same.

The prolem is all the people whining about not getting a sheep standing on the road like a deer.

I agree 100% with u.

Justin.C 12-22-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by sheephunter (Post 1221125)
The wait times according to ram age and increasing licence fees to reduce hunter numbers are off the table according to SRD.

So why is there any change period????

I see nothing but bad for this whole thing. I wonder how many people will not register rams????

sheephunter 12-22-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Justin.C (Post 1221131)
So why is there any change period????

No idea...just passing along what I know.

Justin.C 12-22-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by sheephunter (Post 1221137)
No idea...just passing along what I know.

Were did your info come from?

sheephunter 12-22-2011 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Justin.C (Post 1221141)
Were dis your info come from?

As I said in the post above that you quoted....SRD

Justin.C 12-22-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by sheephunter (Post 1221143)
As I said in the post above that you quoted....SRD

Thanks who at SRD???? Anybody that has any credentials to be able to actually know???

209x50 12-22-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Justin.C (Post 1221127)
The prolem is all the people whining about not getting a sheep standing on the road like a deer.

I agree 100% with u.

I don't believe that is who started this. I think it is far more organized than that.

sheephunter 12-22-2011 04:55 PM

Also, according to SRD, the option to leave things as is still exists too "but a negative is that there will be a continued decline in the quality of rams available"

According to SRD, some stakeholder groups favour a draw and that's why the option was presented by SRD. It sounds like there will be a meeting next spring amoung the stakeholder groups.

209x50 12-22-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by sheephunter (Post 1221154)
Also, according to SRD, the option to leave things as is still exists too "but a negative is that there will be a continued decline in the quality of rams available"

According to SRD, some stakeholder groups favour a draw and that's why the option was presented by SRD. It sounds like there will be a meeting next spring amoung the stakeholder groups.

So knowing the stake holder groups at the table when we shout "show me the money!" Who stands up? APOS for one and perhaps Wild Sheep. I've heard complaints that Wild Sheep is far to heavily influenced by the outfitters. Is it true? I don't know but it sounds like more than one stakeholder group wants changes.

pottymouth 12-22-2011 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by sheephunter (Post 1221154)
Also, according to SRD, the option to leave things as is still exists too "but a negative is that there will be a continued decline in the quality of rams available"

According to SRD, some stakeholder groups favour a draw and that's why the option was presented by SRD. It sounds like there will be a meeting next spring amoung the stakeholder groups.

do we know who the stakeholder groups are, that are in favour ?

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