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dmcbride 01-15-2015 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 2698900)
Interesting thoughts. .

I recall seeing wild and farm animal fetuses as a young child and found the sight to be just as interesting as all the organs.

I also recall the kid who asked his mom to write the school so he could skip out on disecting the frog.....

It's all perspective.

Well said.

Gary K 01-15-2015 08:34 PM

Peter im in okotoks, would come out and give you a hand forsure if i dont get drawn and you do!

walking buffalo 01-15-2015 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by loyaleddie (Post 2699008)
If you take it home don't you need a tag?


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 2670304)
These licences come with two tags, one for the cow and one for the fetus.


James 1 01-15-2015 09:04 PM

If you get drawn, how many people can come along and assist you with loading the elk?

pacs5 01-15-2015 09:16 PM

Had the same question. 4 of us ready to share the meat if only one gets tags. How many can come along as helpers?

slopeshunter 01-15-2015 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by pacs5 (Post 2699185)
Had the same question. 4 of us ready to share the meat if only one gets tags. How many can come along as helpers?

As many as you can squeeze into your vehicle

pacs5 01-15-2015 09:22 PM

Great! Thanks!

Phshrmn 01-15-2015 09:36 PM

how many friends do you have?

Originally Posted by slopeshunter (Post 2699189)
As many as you can squeeze into your vehicle

Interesting that the authority for the question asked is this forum rather than the regs and rules posted about the Suffield hunt. Does no one care where slopeshunter and the rest of us get our information?

We read the regulations and the draws booklet and the information from SRD we see on and the ESRD site. Everyone can get this information, and should.

But I am not sure why some random cyperspace forum expert is to be more trusted than the real authorities. If the rules don't say you can't do something, then you can do it within the confines of common sense, legalities, and ethics. This is hunting folks and hunters take friends to bring the beer and do the heavy lifting.

But I forget that everything on the internet is true.

stickflicker 01-19-2015 10:19 AM

Just checked Alberta Relm...."not awarded". Just as I was expecting. Enjoy the hunt whomever gets "awarded".

Icon 01-19-2015 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by stickflicker (Post 2703008)
Just checked Alberta Relm...."not awarded". Just as I was expecting. Enjoy the hunt whomever gets "awarded".

Dude, draw results are tomorrow...

From the mywildalberta website.


The licenses will be made available through a draw process. Applicants will have a specified time period in which to apply for a license on-line or via a license distributor. Successful applicants will be selected through a lottery style draw, making the process equitable for all Albertans. Hunt details are as follows:

The application period will open at 9:00 am on January 05, 2015
The application period will close at 11:59 pm on January 14, 2015
Draw results will be available beginning at 9:00 am, Tuesday January 20, 2015. At this time, licenses will be available for purchase.

stickflicker 01-19-2015 10:33 AM

Dude, I know. Login and check yourself.

Icon 01-19-2015 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by stickflicker (Post 2703030)
Dude, I know. Login and check yourself.

Why would I login a day early to check results that are for tomorrow? You and I are not drawn because the draw has not happened yet.

Kinda misleading. They should say "pending" or something instead of "not drawn".

stickflicker 01-19-2015 10:45 AM

It did say pending....until now.

Squeaker 01-19-2015 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by crazyfish (Post 2660761)
Anyone want to take a Guess at the number of guys that put in for this draw ? 5000? 8000 ? Should be interesting ! Also curious to see how many actually show up ..... Hope all 125 do !

Little over 14,000 applicants put in for the draw.

Extreme5 01-20-2015 10:10 AM

Just logged in and checked and it said that i am "not awarded".
This is a sad day for me :(

mhd 01-20-2015 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Squeaker (Post 2703052)
Little over 14,000 applicants put in for the draw.

Got this from My Wild Alberta, "There was a staggering 17,270 applications were processed for the Suffield Antlerless Elk Quota hunt. These applications were from a perspective 20,347 hunters."

cheemo 01-20-2015 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Extreme5 (Post 2704586)
Just logged in and checked and it said that i am "not awarded".
This is a sad day for me :(

Checked last nite and was not awarded. Same goes for the rest of my family and hunting buddies. Going to use this as a positive and take the time I woulda used for this hunt and go do something else. Probably head up north for a 3 day fishing trip to a lake I've been wanting to go to for a few years. Good luck to everyone who was successful on the draw!

Battleriverman 01-20-2015 07:49 PM


pottymouth 01-20-2015 08:02 PM

Excuse the interruption...

Are pictures restricted on Suffield? If they are , what would the consequence be if caught taking pictures?

abab 01-20-2015 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by cheemo (Post 2704742)
Checked last nite and was not awarded. Same goes for the rest of my family and hunting buddies. Going to use this as a positive and take the time I woulda used for this hunt and go do something else. Probably head up north for a 3 day fishing trip to a lake I've been wanting to go to for a few years. Good luck to everyone who was successful on the draw!

So did anyone get drawn

Lefty-Canuck 01-20-2015 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by pottymouth (Post 2705298)
Excuse the interruption...

Are pictures restricted on Suffield? If they are , what would the consequence be if caught taking pictures?

For anyone on a draw it is forbidden....for those hunting there without a draw, it seems it is ok and encouraged to post any and all celebratory photos on facebook.


pottymouth 01-20-2015 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2705510)
For anyone on a draw it is forbidden....for those hunting there without a draw, it seems it is ok and encouraged to post any and all celebratory photos on facebook.


Oh Ok! Perfect That's where I was going with that! National security risk those draw tags!!! LOL

Lefty-Canuck 01-21-2015 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by pottymouth (Post 2705554)
Oh Ok! Perfect That's where I was going with that! National security risk those draw tags!!! LOL

Yup! it just further reaffirms the "rules" apply to SOME not ALL.....:)


shedcrazy 01-21-2015 09:39 AM


Yup! it just further reaffirms the "rules" apply to SOME not ALL.....

Oh Ok! Perfect That's where I was going with that! National security risk those draw tags!!! LOL
The rules would be the same for all hunters. If you have photos and names send them to the Base Range Control Officer. I doubt they are going to CSI every FB photo so you would need 100% proof so don't send stuff unless it's a slam dunk. The photos I have seen are hunters with bull elk but no names attached...those are useless. CFB Suffield has a "black list" and if indeed the RC rules were broken they would go on that list no matter if they were drawn or FN hunters. If proven they broke the rules that person would not be allowed back on....but if they filled their freezer and didn't plan on coming back it's probably a useless excersise.

Lefty-Canuck 01-21-2015 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by shedcrazy (Post 2705861)
The rules would be the same for all hunters. If you have photos and names send them to the Base Range Control Officer. I doubt they are going to CSI every FB photo so you would need 100% proof so don't send stuff unless it's a slam dunk. The photos I have seen are hunters with bull elk but no names attached...those are useless. CFB Suffield has a "black list" and if indeed the RC rules were broken they would go on that list no matter if they were drawn or FN hunters. If proven they broke the rules that person would not be allowed back on....but if they filled their freezer and didn't plan on coming back it's probably a useless excersise.

Glad to hear the rules are supposed to apply to all! I don't know for fact but the field photos I have seen sure look like they were taken ON the base.


Lloyd-O 01-31-2015 09:39 AM

Further to shedcrazy, if you are caught taking photos on the base your camera (or phone) could be confiscated and you will be kicked off the base. At least that's what they tell you in the briefing. That said, it would be pretty easy to get away with it, but I didn't take any. They seem to take it pretty seriously and a photo isn't that important to me. My fiancee won't let me hang them above the bed anyway. Not sure what her problem is.

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