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Pdub 11-24-2015 11:14 PM

Elk tag filled!
Quite late in the season, and I never was able to get amongst them during the rut, but I'm so grateful nonetheless.

This guy let me sneak up to him and get within 30yds. No pass through, but he only went 40 yards.

My second elk ever, and lucky enough to get one two years in a row :sHa_shakeshout:

NayNay 11-25-2015 12:54 AM

Nice elk! Congrats

Baskey1414 11-25-2015 07:51 AM

Great bull! Congrats!

Stinky Buffalo 11-25-2015 08:16 AM

What a great elk! Congrats!

Z7Extreme 11-25-2015 02:59 PM

Thats a great bull! Way to get it done with the bow!

ThreeD 11-25-2015 03:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Moved back to NB late this summer. Was pretty de-motivated leaving the Alberta Whitetail Deer Mecca for the colonoscopy capital of Canada for deer hunting. Did manage to find a buck this fall in mid Nov and sent an arrow through the cage at 17 yards. Small 8 point with a solid body. About 180 lbs FD

Pretty happy actually given the dismal deer herd here this year...latest reports since season closed Saturday was 4000 deer harvested, down from 8000 last year, down from 10K the year before ( early 90's annual harvest was typically 30K animals). The poor herd is in a tailspin and the hunters are going wild with Natural Resources folks and politicians, blaming forestry companies for unethical post-clearcutting practices of replanting monoculture species and spraying glyphosate to kill ALL competing species of trees/shrubs except the replanted softwoods. Combine that with crazy winter snow depths ( 400+ cm last year), coyotes, and cutting of wintering areas...and the deer are getting hit from every angle.

Bownsaw30 11-27-2015 06:48 PM

Two year..... 9 year Process
5 Attachment(s)
Story in a separate forum but I finally took a whitetail with a bow!

Lefty-Canuck 11-30-2015 07:51 AM

Last day for many, 1 week left for Strathcona Deer season. Lots of great animals taken this year thanks for sharing.

Maybe there are a few more to come.


LA_bowhunter 12-06-2015 09:04 AM

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My 2015 bison I got on December 1. Its a cow but was extremely excited to harvest one of these animals with the bow.

LA_bowhunter 12-06-2015 09:13 AM

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another pic of the bison

Mb-MBR 12-06-2015 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pdub (Post 3046709)
Quite late in the season, and I never was able to get amongst them during the rut, but I'm so grateful nonetheless.

This guy let me sneak up to him and get within 30yds. No pass through, but he only went 40 yards.

My second elk ever, and lucky enough to get one two years in a row :sHa_shakeshout:

Sneaking up and getting one of those outside of the rut is quite the feat......congrats on a nice bull.

Settle&release 12-06-2015 09:17 AM

Awesome bison! Great animals to everyone. This was the favorite topic of the season. Thanks for eveyone who posted!

Gun 12-07-2015 08:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 115309

Try this first attempt at posting a pix.
Moose taken with a Bear TD Recurve at about 15yds.

Gun 12-07-2015 08:08 PM

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Well how about that?!
I've been trying to get access for a couple of weeks. I could log on but not much else. One of my questioning e-mails must have finally made it.

Anyway shot this Whitetail two weeks ago. Same equipment.
Nice critters everyone.

Attachment 115310

Pdub 12-09-2015 11:44 AM

Congrats on the awesome animals! Love to see traditional equipment hunts. I aspire to do the same one day...

NayNay 12-09-2015 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by LA_bowhunter (Post 3060791)
My 2015 bison I got on December 1. Its a cow but was extremely excited to harvest one of these animals with the bow.

Now that is awesome! Congrats!

Lefty-Canuck 12-09-2015 05:06 PM

Thanks for the contributions from all and thanks for keeping this thread positive!


Chet 12-14-2015 08:09 AM

My two Archery harvests this year:

150fighter 12-14-2015 10:27 AM

Beauty ram with a bow!! Was that in the Canmore bow zone? Congrats!

KyleSS 12-14-2015 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by KyleSS (Post 2962626)
I don't know if he wants his ugly mug on here so I blacked out his face. This is my best friends deer from this year.

First antlered animal with his bow. 202" Green Gross

He is now official.

199 7/8 non typical gross
192 4/8 non typical net

RayM77 12-14-2015 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chet (Post 3070022)

Amazing ram, was it one of the bowzone draws or the ministers tag?

kujoseto 12-14-2015 08:16 PM

Great ram Chet.
Amazing feat

Settle&release 12-15-2015 06:56 AM

That's an awesome ram! Congrats

Chet 12-15-2015 08:34 AM

Thanks! Ram was a Nov 408 draw.

thefunk 12-17-2015 12:02 PM

September whitetail
Got him September 17th

L.O.S.T.Arrow 12-18-2015 07:45 AM

:D Outstanding job gang...well done, some world class animals and hunters here...should almost delete this post before too many more see it and realize how fourtunate we really are in


7mmremmag 01-05-2016 02:31 PM

Not much of a story to this one. I had been watching the herd all summer. Knew where they would be opening morning and beat them to it.
45 minutes into elk season I shot this small cow/calf with my Mathews Z7 Xtreme, Easton FMJ arrows and G5 montecs at 33yds. Complete pass through. She only made it 10yds.

The moose 01-07-2016 08:24 AM

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Shot this mulee on NOV 25.

Edit: sorry the pic is being difficult. Wont rotate on upload

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